Thursday, July 10, 2008

fish horticulture

West Bengal is the country leader in fishery. It has the capability to capture the growing market for fish across the country. This has been achieved by sustained efforts of the government over the last two decades to tap its vast marine resources, both freshwater and brackish water. In 1981-82, fish seed production, fish production and export of fish from West Bengal were 2300 million, 3.78 lakh tones and Rs.32.50 crore, respectively. In 2002-03, fish seed production had reached 9100 million, fish production was 11.20 lakh tones and export of fish was Rs.553.15 crore. This shows significant progress in the fishery with total fish production increasing by 196%. Due to these achievements, the state was awarded the First Prize by the National Productivity Council for ten years in succession. In 2004-05 the production of seed is 12000 million numbers and production marine and inland fish was 12.5 lakh ton.

West Bengal for Fish:

• West Bengal is a natural habitat of the Black Tiger Shrimp. Its estuarine area in the Sundarbans is ideally suited for the extensive culture of prawns and shrimps especially the Tiger and Rosenberger varieties, which are amongst the highest quality of shrimps demanded in the international market.

• West Bengal has been a major player in shrimp exports from India because it has the largest brackish water resources for shrimps in India. The main source of wild caught shrimps is only 50 kms from the West Bengal coast. Unlike other agribusiness areas like fruits and vegetables or fresh water fish, the export market for processed shrimps is a well established ‘sellers market’.

• West Bengal is in a unique position, as a result of the controlled tapping of its vast marine resources through traditional methods, to strengthen its proposition to investors by striving to become the ‘’eco-friendly fisheries capital of India’’. This will allow West Bengal to tap the global markets that are becoming increasingly environment conscious and following strict hygiene & environmental standards right from the farm.

Salient Features: Fishery

• West Bengal accounts for 33% of the country’s fresh water fish production and 22% of the country’s shrimp production.

• West Bengal produces 75% of the seed for fresh water fish.

• West Bengal is the largest supplier of fish seed and supplies nearly 80% of the carp seed demand of the country.

• West Bengal having achieved domestic leadership in fisheries has not yet fully exploited the fishery resources in the state. Hence there is tremendous scope to increase fish production in the state to meet the rising demand for fish in the future.

Market Opportunities:

• Opportunities exist around selling fresh fish in the Local and Interstate markets.

• Domestic market for processed fresh-water fish and shrimps is growing.

• International market for processed fish is quite significant.

Potential Global Markets:

Type of Fish

Market Size
(US $ billion)

Demand Centres

Supplying Nations




Japan (30%)
US (28%)
EU (25%)

Thailand (13%), India, Ecuador, Indonesia, Vietnam,

West Bengal can be competitive in this market.

Pelagic Fish (mackerel, tuna & sardines)


EU (40%),
China, Japan, US, Canada

Chile (33%), Peru (17%), Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Taiwan, Thailand

Tuna is caught in Indian waters close to West Bengal

Freshwater Fish (Trout, Salmon, Carp)


EU (40%) Japan, US

Norway, Denmark, Chile, China

Demand is very regional

Source: Mckinsey Report, Developing Agribusiness as a sustainable growth engine for West Bengal, November-2000

State Government Initiatives/Services/Schemes offered in the Fisheries:

• Bring more and more water bodies through extension services under scientific pisciculture.

• Provide extension services & technical training to fisher folk on scientific fish farming.

• Provide credit schemes/incentives for the use of improved technological inputs.

• Setting up of seed hatcheries.

• Institute more development schemes for fisherman channeled through FFDAs (Fish Farmers Development Authority) & Cooperatives like BENFISH.

• The state government has also been developing infrastructure in the fishery sector at considerable cost, which has led to increased productivity.

Policy and Regulations:

• Export of marine products allowed only after units register
with MPEDA.

• Foreign equity permitted in fish processing sector. Fish processing projects with minimum of 20% value addition can be set up as 100% EOUs.

• All items can be exported freely except for silver pomfrets less than 300 gms.

Herbal Plants

Grain Processing

Spices Processing

Fish & Fishery

Poultry & Meat Processing

Fruit & vegetable Processing

Confectionary & Fast Food

Milk & Milk Products



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